The on-shore marina complex includes 10 jetties with 450 fully equipped berths and a supervised area for 150 dry berths. The entire marina is under the […]
The on-shore marina complex includes 10 jetties with 450 fully equipped berths and a supervised area for 150 dry berths. The entire marina is under the […]
Marina zadovoljava standarde I kriterije druge kategorije te se vodi briga da se taj nivo zadrži odnosno poboljša kako bi jednog dana marina dobila i viši […]
In 2003 Marina Kremik was completely renovated. New floating jetties were installed to offer more places in the sea, the restaurant, the reception, the sanitary blocks […]
Im Jahr 2003 wurde die Marina komplett erneut. Neue Schwimmstege wurden gelegt um die Liegeplatz-Kapazität im Wasser zu vergrössern. Der Restaurant, die Rezeption, die Sanitaranlagen und […]
In 2003 Marina Kremik was completely renovated. New floating jetties were installed to offer more places in the sea, the restaurant, the reception, the sanitary blocks […]
In 2003 Marina Kremik was completely renovated. New floating jetties were installed to offer more places in the sea, the restaurant, the reception, the sanitary blocks […]
In 2003 Marina Kremik was completely renovated. New floating jetties were installed to offer more places in the sea, the restaurant, the reception, the sanitary blocks […]
In 2003 Marina Kremik was completely renovated. New floating jetties were installed to offer more places in the sea, the restaurant, the reception, the sanitary blocks […]
U primoštenskom kraju poznati su tragovi veoma rane ilirske, grčke i hrvatske naseljenosti. U srednjem vijeku, tj. u desetom stoljeću, ovaj je kraj poznat pod nazivom […]